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Vocês conhecem o dialeto do The Sims?


Desde os anos 2000 mundo a fora se conhece o THE SIMS, jogo de realidade virtual da empresa criado pelo designer de jogos Will Wright e produzida pela Maxis. Um jogo que emula uma vida dos “sonhos” (ou não) e, diferentemente da vida real, ali você pode recriar um mundo a sua vontade. 

Ja foi considerado o jogo ano, The Sims possui seu dialeto próprio. Seu dialeto é chamado de “Simlish”. Ouviu aquela falação e  não entendeu? Pois vamos ajuda-lo a treinar esta língua maluca, mas depois só não vai falar assim por ai.

Sul Sul : Oi/Tchau Ah,

van tesua! : Communs nala?

Cuh-teek-a-loo : Olá, como vai você?

Wing Zing Dog : Vou bem, e você?

Degg Degg – Tchau

Chumcha – Pizza Sperk – Fale Nooboo – Bebê Vous – Você Laka – Como Um Zo Hungwah – Estou tão nervoso Fretishe – Tudo Clops – Roupas Kik – Beijo Dobbinips – Dominó

Litzergam / Vadish – Obrigado(a)

Shooglee – Chamada de socorro, talvez “Socorro!”

Mik – Um

Mak – Dois

Maka – Três

Gerbit – Lhama Atohteh! – Preciso ir ao banheiro

Balinda macoy – Olá, gracinha

Boobasnot – Não gosto de você

Geelfrob – Até mais

Resultado de imagem para the simsImagem relacionadaResultado de imagem para the simsResultado de imagem para the sims 4Resultado de imagem para the sims

Confira algumas palavras e expressões comuns em Simlish – Inglês.

Simlish Inglês
♪ Sul Sul ♫ Hello
♪ Oh Feebee Lay! ♫ I’m Hungry!
♪ Nooboo ♫ Baby
♪ Lalo ♫ Milk
♪ Checkmar ♫ Checkmate
♪ Za Woka Genava ♫ I think you are hot
♪ Ooh Be Gah ♫ Very Good!
♪ Woofum ♫ Dog
♪ Dag Dag ♫ Goodbye
♪ Xor ♫ Be
♪ Choo wagga choo choo! ♫ Something in the way!
♪ Whippna Choba Dog! ♫ This is cool!
♪ Sulsul! Plerg Majah Bliff? ♫ Hello! Can I do something else?
♪ Sherb ♫ Shake
♪ Gerb Woof Em ♫ Come Here
♪ Sass Awrful ♫ That’s Awful!
♪ Badeesh / Vadish ♫ Thanks
♪ Blursh! Meshaloob! Blursh! ♫ Excuse me! Get out of my way!
♪ Zor ♫ More
♪ Dooby Zession ♫ Detonation
♪ Minicule ♫ Cat
♪ Ah, van vesua! Cummuns nala ♫ Hello, how are you doing?
♪ Arriba chandler ♫ You annoying TV workout presenter!
♪ Araganda ♫ Move away
♪ Awasa poa ♫ I’m bored
♪ Atohteh ♫ I want to go to the bathroom!
♪ Bum Bum ♫ Woah! This is fun
♪ Bloo Bagoo ♫ Hey whats up?
♪ Baba ♫ I am pregnant
♪ Boobasnot ♫ I don’t like you
♪ Cuh Teekaloo ♫ Hey there, how’s it going?
♪ Depwa Spanewash Depla Blah ♫ You! Yes you! Go away!
♪ Dis Wompf Es Fredesche ♫ This food is delicious
♪ Elicanto ♫ You are looking good!
♪ Geelfrob ♫ See you soon
♪ Huree ♫ I’m tired
♪ Hooba Noobie ♫ What’s up?
♪ Nicloske Ga Gloope ♫ I would like a taxi to come pick me up
♪ Shoo flee ♫ There’s a problem!
♪ Veena Fredishay ♫ Let’s play
♪ Wee-bow ♫ I do when proposing
♪ Mychuno ♫ Bingo!
♪ Uhh shamoo ralla poo ♫ I’m so bored
♪ Renato! Renato! ♫ Go Away!
♪ koomeba ♫ Kaleidoscope
♪ burbin nerbs ♫ Broken glass
♪ firbs ♫ fast
♪ rushe ♫ rush
♪ toochse ♫ touch
♪ juum ♫ Zoom
♪ Neeshga! Neeshga! ♫ No, no!
♪ Ahhhh Molombia ♫ this one i don’t know
♪ Abbi anar ♫ Car
♪ Balinda macoy ♫ Hello, cutie/ Nice chick
♪ Cayoo ♫ Damnit! You are in the way
♪ chum-cha ♫ Pizza
♪ Dustin aey ball ♫ bend and stretch now.
♪ Fleny Fleny ♫ Get out, I really gotta tinkle!
♪ Frabbit ♫ aw, dangit
♪ Flart or Flort or Flarn ♫ Argh!
♪ Fro ♫ Oh?!
♪ Green iguanas fluing in the sky ♫ Green iguanas flying in the sky?
♪ Garnar frash ♫ damn
♪ Grouw ♫ listen
♪ Harva sol labaga along with hava so lawnumg ♫ Hey! party at my house
♪ Hey you ball of sacks ♫ Um… absolutely no idea!
♪ Jowlenin ♫ Interesting
♪ Jamoo ♫ Oh my god!
♪ Kooj ♫ Sweet!
♪ Le la la cula ♫ Said when a need is low
♪ Nash-Na-Poof ♫ Anyone home?
♪ Nurfver ♫ big, gigantic
♪ Oh moratic! ♫ Oh hysterical!
♪ oo krem letich ♫ ow man, this is great
♪ Ooh shaboo ♫ Oh, this is a nice piece of clothes
♪ Ooo shanga day ♫ Why me?
♪ ole-like (m)joel ♫ Attention, help
♪ O vwa vwaf sna ♫ Nice to meet you
♪ Paba ♫ Pain
♪ Ravasheen! ♫ ooh, I look like a smokin’ hottie in this!
♪ Sisaroom ♫ is this a room?
♪ Uh-Uh ♫ When they are low in mood
♪ Uh, licht nar ♫ When an obstacle is in the way
♪ Wetash ♫ Oh,yes……yes.
♪ Yucky, yucky ♫ This food is great, when used by toddler
♪ Ya gotta wob’ere! Ya gotta wob’ere! ♫ Don’t give up! Keep trying!
♪ Deesh, deesh, deesh ♫ Think! Think! Think!
♪ Sperk ♫ Speak
♪ Zo Hungwah ♫ So Hungry!
♪ Fretishe ♫ Everything
♪ Fretishe Miza ♫ Everything is in the way
♪ Mik Up ♫ Make Out
♪ Litzergam ♫ Thank You
♪ Dobbinips ♫ Dominoes
♪ Mik ♫ One
♪ Mak ♫ Two
♪ Maka ♫ Three
♪ Gerbit ♫ Llama
♪ Wabadebadoo ♫ I’m on fire!
♪ Turkey nurbler? ♫ Does that feel better?
♪ Firby nurbs ♫ You have some nerve
♪ Delco webney ♫ Believe it or not
♪ Arbo gwinchey ♫ By the way
♪ Kabuna ♫ Who cares
♪ Benzi chibna looble bazebni gweb ♫ Nothing is impossible if you believe
♪ Ah, gwanda blitz ♫ Hey, great idea
♪ Ribby wibbs ♫ Remember this
♪ Ah, docka morpher ♫ Hey, I know what you mean


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